Editor X TV | With Brandon Groce
Build Your First UX Portfolio Homepage in 30mins, Without Code, In Editor X (For Beginners)
Build Your First UX Portfolio Homepage in 30mins, Without Code, In Editor X (For Beginners)
Welcome to another exciting blog post from Live Learning with Editor X - your go-to place for mentoring on how to build design businesses and further your career. Today, we are going to dive into the amazing world of Editor X and learn how to build a UX Portfolio Homepage from scratch, in just 30 minutes! Yes, you read that right. In just 30 minutes, you can create a professional, eye-catching digital portfolio without writing a single line of code.
Live Learning with Editor X is a fantastic community for creatives and designers who are looking to learn, collaborate, and grow their careers. We host monthly NoCode Design Challenges with prizes and provide expert guidance and mentoring to help you achieve your goals. If you haven't joined our community yet, what are you waiting for? Sign up now and stay ahead of the design game.
Now, let's get started on building your first UX Portfolio Homepage in Editor X - the future of web design.
!Editor X Live Session with Brandon Gross
Why Editor X?
Editor X is an amazing platform that allows you to create fully responsive, modern websites without any coding knowledge. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and a library of pre-built elements and animations, you can design a professional, unique, and responsive portfolio in no time.
Here’s a glimpse of what you can achieve with Editor X if you dedicate a little more time and effort:
!Butterful Animation in Editor X
Looks impressive, right? Well, that’s the power of Editor X for you. So, fire up your creative juices and let's build your first UX Portfolio Homepage together.
Getting Started: Accessing Assets and Prepping Your Workspace
Before we dive into the actual process of creating your portfolio, let's first gather all the necessary assets and prepare your workspace. To access the assets for this tutorial, head over to this link and download the pre-designed templates.
!Accessing Assets for Editor X
Once you have the assets handy, follow these simple steps to set up your Editor X workspace and get started:
1. Log in to your Editor X account and create a new blank site.
2. Select a suitable theme for your portfolio from the available choices.
3. Customize the site header by adding your logo or personal brand name.
Building Your UX Portfolio Homepage: Step-by-Step
Now that you have your workspace ready and assets in place, let's dive into the actual process of building your UX Portfolio Homepage.
!Editor X Workspace
Step 1: Adding Backgrounds & Sections
Start by adding a full-width background strip to your page. Customize its look by adding a subtle color palette, so it blends well with the rest of your site.
Next, create three more sections for your homepage:
1. About Me Section: A brief introduction about yourself, highlighting your skills, experience, and expertise. You can use a combination of text elements and images/icons to create an engaging visual design.
2. Portfolio Section: Showcase your best work by adding individual project cards with a thumbnail, project title, and a brief description. You can even add a hover effect to make your project cards more interactive.
3. Contact Section: Encourage visitors to get in touch with you by designing an attractive contact form with necessary fields such as name, email, and a message text area.
!Editor X Sections
Step 2: Adding Animations & Interactions
Now that you have your sections in place, it's time to add some life to your UX Portfolio Homepage. To create buttery smooth animations and interactions, follow these steps:
1. For each section, click on the properties panel and add an animation. You can choose from a variety of pre-built animations such as slide-in, fade, scale, and more.
2. Customize the duration, delay, and effects of your animations to create a seamless user experience.
3. Ensure to preview your work to make sure everything works smoothly and is visually appealing.
!Editor X Animations
Step 3: Making Your UX Portfolio Homepage Responsive
With Editor X, creating a responsive design is a breeze. Simply follow these tips to ensure your UX Portfolio Homepage looks great on all devices:
1. Use breakpoints to define how your layout behaves on different screen sizes. By default, Editor X provides breakpoints for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile devices.
2. Customize your design for each breakpoint by repositioning and resizing the elements as needed.
3. Remember to preview your design on different screen sizes to ensure a seamless user experience.
!Responsive Design in Editor X
And there you have it! You've just built your first UX Portfolio Homepage in Editor X. Not too shabby for just 30 minutes of work, right?
Time to Show Off Your Creation
Once you're satisfied with your portfolio design, it's time to publish your site and show off your fantastic work to the world. Don't forget to share your creation with our Live Learning community and enjoy the accolades that flow your way.
In conclusion, Editor X makes it incredibly easy for creatives and designers to build stunning, responsive, and professional websites without any coding skills. So, leverage its power to create your first UX Portfolio Homepage, and embark on your journey to design success. Join our community, and stay connected for more live sessions, design challenges, and actionable insights from our design experts.
Happy designing!

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